Each year at this juncture, I contemplate how I can actively contribute to Black History Month. While it seems like Black History should be common knowledge by now, I've come to realize it is not. Even I, over the years, have discovered numerous aspects of Black History Month information that were previously unknown to me. So, this month definitely educates me each year and gives me so much insight to the importance of many aside from MLK and Rosa Parks.  I acknowledge that I am not an educator, and I will not utilize this platform to enlighten others on topics I am still learning about as an African American. Consequently, I grapple with the challenge of figuring out how to contribute meaningfully to the notion of "being the change you want to see in the world," and giving insight to my experiences. 

 So, I've figured out a way for me and my brand to embrace this month in a fun Vanessa Lynn Seide way: open, honest and interactive. I am a black woman in America, you follow me, and you support my brand because of who I am and the products  I provide to you. During this month, what I can do is open up about my experiences growing up in a world that's supposed to be inclusive but sometimes does not feel that way. I've taken to social media/instagram this month in a lighthearted way, I thought. Each day for 29 days, I choose a movie to share and express the profound impact it had on me and why.  


** Here are just a few of the movies** 

It began as a commitment to myself, with little expectation that anyone would genuinely care. Surprisingly, something changed. People not only listened, commented and reflected on my thoughts,  but it also became somewhat therapeutic for me. I had the opportunity to be unfiltered and truthful in a space where I had hesitated to do so. Here's why I believe it resonated – I'm not a part of the media, nor am I an influencer. My narratives were grounded in facts and reflective of my genuine emotions. I avoided diminishing anyone and simply aimed to open up and convey the personal perspective of how it truly feels to be a black little girl now woman raising a biracial daughter. It was fun and people have left messages of how much they enjoyed it. 

I clearly can't do the whole thing here (it won't have the same feel) but let me leave you with the final 29 movie list:




and  a quote: 

"It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences." - Audre Lorde

I wish for everyone to perceive color, to recognize the diversity among us as a source of positivity rather than negativity. Let's strive to radiate positivity, not just for ourselves but also for the deserving children among us.



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